Advertise With Mediabooks

Podcast Commercial | Newsletter Sponsor

MediaBooks is a web design agency that exclusively serves accountants and bookkeepers. With a dedication to the number crunching industry, we also provide marketing education to those who keep things balanced.

Learn more about our advertising opportunities below.

Our Audience

Our audience is primarily made up of accountants and bookkeepers. Generally these are small firm owners with 2 - 10 employees / team members.

MediaBook followers typically own virtual firms with a heavy reliance on efficient technology that makes it easier for them to connect with their clients throughout the country.

MediaBooks Stats

The MEdiabooks NEwsletter

Our MediaBooks Newsletter goes out every 2 weeks. The newsletter generally includes an intro from our CEO, Kristen Corey, recently published websites, podcast episodes, and trending headlines tailored to the accounting and marketing industry. Stats include:

  • Subscribers: 624

  • Average Open Rate: 39%

  • Average Click Rate: 2.5%

The MEdiabooks Podcast

The MediaBooks Podcast is hosted by Kristen Corey and publishes episodes on a weekly basis. The focus of the podcast is marketing education tailored to the accounting industry. Episodes are generally 10 - 20 minutes long. They include a trending headline and lesson for each episode.

  • Subscribers: 99

The Different Ways to Advertise With Us

$25 / commercial

The MediaBooks Podcast

The MediaBooks Podcast reserves commercial slots for advertisers. Commercial slots are 30 seconds and available at the beginning and end of each podcast episode.

Advertisers are required to provide scripts for Kristen Corey, the host, to read. We also request advertisers provide their logo and link they wish to include in the shownotes.

$50 / Newsletter

The MediaBooks Newsletter

Ad placements in the MediaBooks Newsletter includes a 500x500 image, title, copy of up to 100 words, and link.

Advertisers are required to provide all materials necessary for the advertisement.

Complete the form below for more information on advertising with MediaBooks

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